
Showing posts from October, 2009


Through pretty much all my ministry, I believed and taught that we can be a PIPELINE to others of God's love. It's not about us it's about Him. It's about what He has to pour into hungry hearts. I taught that God wants to use us to pour through to the lost. Great concept, right? But this year God allowed me to go the full length of that philosophy, to explore the ultimate result of that vision. I came to a place of extreme emptiness in which God allowed me to see the fallacy of this symbolic lifestyle. It was more a concept from man than a concept from God. Look again at the picture. The problem with the pipeline is it can never be a destination! True it is a conduit, but it will never be a destination . It is the image of a servant but it is not the relationship God desires for us. In John 15:15 Jesus said, "I'm no longer calling you servants because servants don't understand what their master is thinking and planning. No, I've named you friends bec...