The Hardest Thing About Being a Christian...
At a Christian school assembly we asked, "What was the hardest thing about being a Christian?". The first grade teacher gave us the following kid’s responses – most with cute coloring illustrations :-) “The hardest thing about being a Christian is sharing my toys.” “The hardest thing about being a Christian is a good attitude. I had a hard time understanding my mom because I have more chores to do.” “The hardest thing about being a Christian is keeping Jesus in my heart.” “The hardest thing about being a Christian is feeding my lizards.” “The hardest thing about being a Christian is sharing my cars with my little sister.” “The hardest thing about being a Christian is sharing stuff and helping others and the poor.” “The hardest thing about being a Christian is I want my friend to be nice to me.” “The hardest thing about being a Christian is sharing and don’t swear and use God and talk in a nice kind way and help poor people. “The hardest thing about being a Christian is telli...