One June my pastor asked if I would consider doing a summer ministry to our state residential facility for the developmentally challenged. I agreed and visited the following week for orientation. I left with the words of the director ringing in my ears, "The residents have an average understanding of a two-year-old." "How could we possibly minister to them?" I wondered. "How do you explain salvation or ask for a response?" That night as I prayed I felt the Lord ask me "How do you minister to the two yr olds in your Sunday School?" I thought about our curriculum for that age group. I love mommy I love daddy I love Jesus I can be a helper These were all the simple lessons our teachers did with the young ones. I asked some of the older kids if they would like to go with me on Saturdays to visit and do a program for the residents. I let them know the people they saw might look like adults, but their minds were like very young chil...